Do you dance vernacular jazz or swing dances like Lindy hop, Balboa, or Authentic Jazz?
Do you feel like you could use a big studio space and the help of fellow dancers to work on things you have learned in classes or in workshops?
Do you want to challenge yourself in a supportive environment?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, this is for you!
Dancers from all cities, and of all levels (whether you had one lesson, or dance for more than three years) are welcome to join.
Follow us on Instagram or facebook for videos, pics and the latest news - https://www.instagram.com/open...

Upcoming dates for Open Practice in 2025!
15th February
8th March
12th April
17th May
Don't forget that if you've booked a Swing in Rhythm course for January 2025 onwards, your course price includes a free ticket to Open Practice!
Location - Tangoschool Cuartito Azul, Schoterbosstraat 17, 3032 CN Rotterdam.
19:00-19:45: Potluck dinner!
19:45: Doors open - bring yourself and your dance shoes! No partner needed, you will meet people there!
20:00 - 21:00: Guided practice & Independent practice. People will be there to guide you!
21:00 - 21:30: Learning inspiration session by local teachers. This is not a class in itself, but a series of exercises on a theme. A part is all-levels, another is for dancers who dance more than a year.
21:30 - 23:55: We start the social dance, and the music continues until the end. Sometimes we have (dance) games. We always have good tunes and good company.
All this awesomeness is available to you for 7 Euros (at the door, in cash). This money is used to pay for renting the room, and for any other necessary costs.
Still curious? Our Valentine's special was immortalised on film, take a look!

#dance #play #learn
The Open Practice provides an extra space between social dancing and classes to further help you solidify what you learned, take an active role in your learning process, and discover yourself as a dancer.
We achieve this in a space that is inclusive, caring, safe, playful and supportive. These are our values, and we act according to them.
- Inclusive: everyone is welcome to practice.
- Caring: the organizers want to do everything they can to make you feel like you can ask questions, you can ask for help, and that you are most welcome to dance with everyone.
- Safe: we have a zero tolerance policy for any sort of harm, harassment or discrimination. If you feel someone did something inappropriate, please be in touch with the organizing team. The organizing team also reserves the right to remove any individual from the events who display unsafe behavior towards their dance partner (this includes risky dance figures).
- Playful & Supportive: you might have some goals of your own, or you might want to learn how to formulate them. We are there to support you. There are no mistakes, just a learning process! We also like to not take ourselves too seriously and discover new things through playfulness.
Everyone who joins, participates in creating this space: yourself, the organizing team, your teachers, and your scene organizers.
By joining the event every participant agrees to the use of any pictures or video material from the event for the purpose of public reporting on the event or the promotion of future events, including social media. This consent includes also the consent to the use the recordings on our web pages.
Participants always have the right to inform the photographers or videographers at the event that they do not wish to be recorded.

The Open Practice started out of the dance school Swing in Rhythm in Rotterdam in January 2016 on the initiative of Zoë (who not only had the pleasure to learn her first lindy hop steps at Swing in Rhythm but had the pleasure to teach there for two years.)
Since the beginning, Swing in Rhythm teachers have joined the Open Practices to support students in practicing what they learned in class.
April 2018 marks the beginning of a new adventure for the Open Practice with a new format and new experiments.
The organizing team consist of a group of volunteers and they are supported by dancers from the community to run the open practice sessions - the registration, the bar, the care team, the welcome team.
For learning inspiration sessions we invite dancers from our own community and other cities to share their love for dancing and inspire us to learn and experiment and rediscover.