
Our studio is ideal for yoga classes, movement therapists, meditation lessons, fitness classes and any other kind of workshop or service you might provide that needs an empty space.

Are you looking for a studio to rent?


Our studio is located at Willem Buytewechstraat 34. It's only 5 minutes walking from Metrostation Coolhaven. Restaurant The Machinist is on the other side of the street, a perfect place for lunch, dinner or drinks.


The dancing area is approximately 70+ square metres (ca. 6m*12m) with one of the long walls lined with mirrors.
It has a wooden, sprung dancefloor.


The studio is one big room with mirrors, couches and a little "entresol". There is a sound system with speakers that is available to use. In the back of the room there are two separate toilets and a small kitchen with refrigerator and a coffee machine/ water cooker available.


The studio is used for dance classes by Swing in Rhythm and is occupied in the evenings from Monday until Thursday inclusive. The room is available during the day until 1800.
It's also available on from 0900 until 2200 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Renting possibilities start from a daypart and preferably for longer term.

Would you like to have a look or more information?

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